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Membership Application

Shomrei Torah

Orthodox Congregation Of Fair Lawn

Membership Application 

The OBJECTIVE of Shomrei Torah is to maintain an Orthodox Synagogue in conformance with the teachings of the written and oral Law of the Torah as expounded in the Shulchan Aruch and to provide a religious, cultural, social and educational center in order to perpetuate the tenets of Orthodox Judaism.  It is also our objective to participate in worthy activities of benefit to the Jewish people.  By doing these things it is our belief that we promote the welfare of the membership and harmony among all Jews.

Privileges of membership include:  multiple daily, Shabbat and Yom Tov minyanim, daily shiurim (day and evening for men, women and combined), daily daf yomi, discounted rates for High Holiday seats and room rental in the synagogue, regular communication   (phone squad,    e-mail, weekly bulletin, monthly calendar, Hashomer publication), Chevra Kadisha, Shiva committee (house preparation, meals and minyanim in shiva home), eligibility to purchase  cemetery plots in Shomrei Torah’s section of Cedar Park Cemetery, Chesed committee (meals for new birth families, hospitality to new families, visitation to elderly and ill or infirm), ritual committee (preferences bar/bat mitzvah celebrations, aliyahs, yahrzeits),  voting privileges at any general membership meeting, invitation to attend Board of Director meetings, eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors,  Leah Sokoloff Nursery School registration priority, Youth programs: (Shabbat Junior Congregation, Tot Shabbat). 

We invite all members to join and share in our Mens’ Club and Sisterhood activities.

In addition, Shomrei Torah is the major contributor and supporter of our community’s Eruv and Mikveh. 

I/We hereby apply for membership in Shomrei Torah – Orthodox Congregation of Fair Lawn. I/We agree that, if elected to membership, I / we will abide by the constitution, by-laws and other rules and regulations.  I/We will pay membership fees and assessments as determined by the Board of Directors.

Please enter family name here

Household Information

To be used for synagogue phone squad 

Primary Members Information

First Adult

Second Adult

Email addresses are used to communicate information of interest to you about Shomrei Torah. Email addresses are never rented, sold or traded to third parties. You may elect to stop receiving emails from Shomrei Torah by unsubscribing at any time. 

Email addresses are used to communicate information of interest to you about Shomrei Torah. Email addresses are never rented, sold or traded to third parties. You may elect to stop receiving emails from Shomrei Torah by unsubscribing at any time. 

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Child #1

Please include year

Child #2

Child #3

Child #4

Aliyah Information ( Please list names to be included on Gabbai card other then the names included with this application)

Yahrzeit Information

Your Application Is Not Complete Until Your Click On The Submit Button


Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785